Six Unique Uses for a Central Vacuum System

December 26, 2017 Leave your thoughts

Vacuuming is a pain. It’s noisy, inconvenient and time consuming. Not to mention purchasing a new vacuum cleaner every few years can be incredibly costly. That’s why central vacuum systems are so great. The specialty cleaning system is integrated into your home to make cleaning simple.

Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t realize the benefits of a central vacuum system and the power it has to revolutionize their cleaning routine. Not only is it incredibly convenient, but it also improves indoor air quality by eliminating the recirculation of dust and allergens usually associated with traditional vacuums.

A central vacuum system isn’t limited to just cleaning the carpets and floors. The easy-to-use hoses and cleaning wand can be used on a variety of different surfaces and areas, including upholstery, hard-to-reach spaces, high ceiling fans and more. Take a look at just a few of the unique cleaning solutions made much easier with help from a central vacuum system:

  • Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures: Traditional vacuum hoses and accessories just don’t offer the ability to reach tall ceilings and the tops of light fixtures with ease. A central vacuum system and an extendable duster or a dusting brush attachment will be able to reach these tough spots easily. Cleaning these areas at least once a month will put an end to dust accumulation that could have triggered allergies and other breathing problems.
  • Clean the drapes and upholstery: Alleviate allergies by using your central vacuum system to remove dust from your blinds, drapes and upholstery. Just brush the head over the material to vacuum up any crumbs or pet hair while also drawing out the dust built up on the surface.
  • Vacuum vents: Taking the time to remove dirt and dust accumulations on vents can actually improve the overall efficiency of your home’s heating and cooling system. A thorough cleaning could even lead to a decrease in your monthly energy bill, as your unit will no longer have to work as hard to produce and disperse warm and cool air throughout the year.
  • Clean every nook and cranny: Reaching crumbs lodged between the fridge and oven can be a pain, but leaving them there is just asking for mice and other pests to look for a tasty snack in your kitchen. Using the crevice tool included with most central vacuum systems will help you clean these previously difficult areas easily. Consult your central vacuum dealers in Palm Beach County FL about which accessories will work best for your cleaning needs.
  • Tidy up pet areas: Pet hair is the enemy of a clean house. No matter how hard you try, the fluff just won’t dislodge itself from fabric couch cushions, curtains and bedspreads. The pet hair removal tool included with most central vacuum systems can remove even the most stubborn animal hair from practically every surface.
  • Remove tough stains: Spilled red wine, tea and coffee are usually a death sentence for carpet. That’s no longer the case with a central vacuum system. Apply salt to the stain to soak up any excess liquid and prevent it from setting before running the vacuum over it. The stain should be lifted with no problem.

Ready to make your cleaning routine a breeze? Call the top central vacuum dealers in Palm Beach County, FL at Central Vacuum Connection to learn more!

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