What Is a Central Vacuum Cleaner?

November 20, 2017 Leave your thoughts

We have some pretty good guesses why most people don’t enjoy doing chores. Maybe it’s because they don’t like touching dirty stuff, or because chores like cleaning the bathroom and vacuuming take up a lot of time. For others, inconvenience is the issue—such as having to lug a heavy vacuum cleaner around the house and not having a hose long enough to reach every corner of every room. Good thing there’s an option that’s both advanced and efficient: a central vacuum system.

So, what is a central vacuum cleaner? What is the purpose of investing in central vacuum installation in Palm Beach County, FL? Let’s find out!

About central vacuum cleaner systems

A central vacuum system, also called a whole-house vacuum, is a vacuum cleaner system that’s built directly into the home or building. The system’s pipes run through the interior walls, which all connect to a large vacuum system located in the garage or basement. Debris suction ports are installed in various walls throughout the building to attach and detach a vacuum hose, which is easy to move from room to room by hand. No more hauling around a bulky standup vacuum cleaner!

The purpose of central vacuum installations

A home central vacuum system installation is designed to be much more powerful than traditional portable standup vacuums. And although they have more power, they are quieter and kick up less dust and dirt into your home’s air thanks to an external venting system. This type of system is made up of individual components:

  • Vacuum unit: The core of the system is the central vacuum power unit—a very powerful motor—that is typically located in the garage or basement. The purpose of the core is to produce suction strong enough to thoroughly deep clean carpets and other surfaces. The unit also has a matching filter to separate debris.
  • Vacuum hose: The control component of the system is the vacuum hose. Quality central vacuum hoses are lightweight, flexible and do not get damaged if crushed, and you can find them in a variety of lengths. Choose a length based on the size of your rooms. One end of the hose gets plugged into the wall inlet port, and the hose is the only part of the vacuum system that you carry from one room to another.
  • Vacuum pipe and inlets: The vacuum pipe is the part that connects the main vacuum unit to wall inlet ports, and the ports are what connect the hose to a suction source. Once the hose is plugged in, you can turn the suction on and off.
  • Vacuum tools: In order to clean, you’ll need any number of vacuum tools and accessories to connect to the hose. Choose the best tools to use on all the surfaces in your home.

If you would like to speak with a vacuum expert about central vacuum sales in Palm Beach County, FL, make sure your first call is to the experts at Central Vacuum Connection. We’d be happy to give you more information about the benefits of this type of home cleaning system!

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