Can Central Vacuums Be Used to Clean Liquid Spills?
If you’ve ever tried to vacuum up wetness, you know it doesn’t result in good outcomes. Aside from industrial vacuums, your run-of-the-mill house vacuum cleaners don’t have the capacity to deal with spills. They clog up, short circuit and break down. Cleaning up a wet mess can often spell the end for a vacuum cleaner—or at the very least, unwanted repair costs.
Central vacuum systems are no different. Though they’re more powerful and capable of cleaning up messes better than standard vacuums, these systems still aren’t built for wetness. Trying to suck up a spilled bowl of cereal or a mess from your dog’s food and water bowls is surely going to end in a need for central vacuum system repair in Palm Beach County, FL.
Think before you vacuum
The key thing to remember is that a vacuum is both electrical and mechanical. It uses electricity to power a motor that creates suction. Water is not a friend to any of these functions! Moisture wreaks havoc on mechanical systems, causing component failures and breakdowns. And we all know what water does when it meets electricity! Now, imagine sucking up a small puddle of water with a central vacuum system running at full tilt. The results aren’t going to be pretty.
Central vacuum systems are designed for dry debris only. Cookie crumbs in the kitchen or pet dander in the living room are all perfectly acceptable to suck up. They’ll easily travel through the ductwork of the system, bypass the suction and drop neatly into the canister without issue.
If you’re unsure if your central vacuum system can handle something, it’s best not to suck it up. Think about the time it would take to pick something up by hand or scoop it up with a dustpan—then consider the cost of central vacuum system repair in Palm Beach County, FL. It’s a good bet the former option is easier.
New-age vacuums
There’s always and exception to the rule! These days, there are actually several central vacuum models that are capable of sucking up moisture and water. These systems are built to withstand moisture damage and are accessible to homeowners who can afford to pay a premium for total cleaning capabilities.
Check to see if your system is rated for water cleanup or ask a professional the next time you’re having your central system serviced. If it’s designed to suck up moisture without issue, it’s okay to use it on minor wet debris. If not, stick to the dry stuff.
Central vacuum systems may be a cut above your traditional units, but they’re not completely infallible! Remember this before you decide to test your central system against a puddle of water or a wet spill. You’ll learn—as many homeowners before you have—that vacuum systems and moisture just don’t mix.
Already learned this lesson and stuck with a vacuum system that’s nonfunctioning? Give the experts at Central Vacuum Connection a call today to get your system restored to full working order.
Categorised in: Central Vacuum System Repair
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